Time Out!

Time Out!

You’re on a bed, a stage, a field, a court;  in a courtroom, boardroom, bedroom, bathroom.  Wherever you are, your Family of Origin rules  haunt your head.  These ways of life are values spoken or simply implied; and often imposed.  Critical, judgmental thoughts,   such as, Don’t have sex until 6 dates; Strive for perfection; Overachieve for your sibling, who doesn’t achieve;  You’re the “Smart” one, not the “Pretty” one.  You’re too sensitive, too overbearing, too fat, too thin, too aggressive, too short …..Time Out!  Time to face the old scripts.  Take your whole-person, whole-life commitment and make it alpha-dog-like.   Yes, I’m at the Huntington Park dog stroll, leading life right now.

And you?