The yellow ball speeds……by

The yellow ball speeds……by

Tennis and Self-EsteemHow does that little ball overpower Leading Life Now?

The opponent hits a very good forehand to your weak backhand. Again, and again, and again.  It’s a hot, bright day.  She’s tired; on your period; guzzling water with electrolytes.  Your feet hit the ground  in your running-crossover step, heavy with this morning’s double cinnamon roll.  Attention is with that you aren’t doing.  This is reactive, not proactive.  This thinking will block your stride toward the Nationals.  These sets will replay on Dad’s iPhone, brother’s smartphone, the team’s network, ESPN2, and in your head. All will echo your disappointment; the failures, flaws, “F—Ups”.  Inner critic will muscle in to win.  That will bring your biggest loss.

It takes lot to keep your inner critic happy.  It whoo-hoo’s when you lose focus and concentration; raise self-doubt. squash self esteem, and flood negative self-talk. If you’re looking to change what’s happening on your court, go to your inner court, too.  Your swing starts within.