

I’m 37,000 miles in the air.  It’s United’s morning non-stop to New York City.  The guy next to me starts his breakfast with champagnes and a screwdriver.  Main course:  scrambled eggs and Drink #4.  He reads legal briefs.   Can he focus?   The Woman across the aisle slowly sips a solo Bloody Mary and reads Dora The Explore to her daughter.  I know some folks, struggling with substance relapse right now.  How would it be for them to sit here?

One person would seek the first bar in the JFK terminal.  The other might be more ritualistic:  A long walk through Bryant Park’s summer vibe, down to SoHo.  Then,  Havana Café and half dozen beers.  Both are different modes of relapse.  Relapse happens.

Alcohol’s a hard one. It’s legal!   Lots of folks drink without addiction.  Genetics play a part.  So do Family Rule.  There they are again; those Family Rules.  They state or imply whats cool, what’s chill, and what’s not.   What were your Family (of Origin) rules about daily drinks, monthly binges, or holiday highs?   Are you re-scripting your own rules today?   Or reacting to those passed down?   Relapse is a part of recovery.  We blow it.  It’s our humanness. Know this going in.  Keep moving  on your “circular” path of life,  through the relapse to recovery.  Keep your commitment to Lead Life Now in view.  Use your whole-person, whole-life tools again.  Be self- consoling to the part of you that tripped and fell.  Whether your thing is Padrone or pastries, Bailey’s or bonbons, keep moving through to recovery again.

Now, back to the cabin:   The nagging, endless sound of  candy wrappers is right in back of me.  A middle- aged Dad and hipster Son chomp candy and the flight menu’s cinnamon rolls.  The flight staff bets on their consumption.  Five rolls each?  No, Seven?    Hey, I just want to read my New York Magazine.

37000 miles in the air or waaaaay down on the ground; we are who we are.  We’re just being ourselves.  So, what life did you have for breakfast?