6 Surprise Ways CBD makes gains

6 Surprise Ways CBD makes gains

CBD, the Muscle of Healing and Helping, Hits the High-note of Hope

So, you think you’ll get “high” on CBD?  Party on marijuana’s THC.  : Get the facts here on marijuana’s healing hemp:

1)  Body Ouch:  Feet on Fire!  “My feet were killing me in heels last year!”  Melissa McCarthy, known for her sense of humor, says there’s nothing funny about appearing on the red carpet in high heels that kill your feet.  Enter CBD in the spotligh.  It’s the non-psychoactive ingredient in Weed (cannabis).  Melissa used CBD Oil UK on her feet to bring relief for hours.  And, “I’m not trippin’.”  (She knows CBD is not THC)

Melissa isn’t the only one who’s discovered an online weed dispensary to lay her hands on the acclaimed gorilla glue strain. She also has a stack of personalised custom rolling paper for her marijuana, which also can be healing in its own way.

Many personal trainers recommend a cbd lotion for sale for sore feet relief after a challenging workout.  Other body news:  My client, a concert pianist, says  CBD oil is the go-to after hours of playing.  It sooths and reduces inflammation, when arm muscles and fingers are hurting and  cramping. The Florida hemp industry is booming as more people discover the benefits of CBD.

Are you still confusing CBD with THC, the trippin’ chemical in weed?

2)  N-n-n-nervoussss:  Jennifer Aniston and Barbra Streisand use CBD oil to reduce anxiety.  Psychiatrists are trying CBD oil with more and more success.   Sometimes it’s used with pharmaceutical medications.  Often, it’s when their patients have adverse reactions to pharmaceuticals.   Consult with your doctor first,  instead of trying this on your own.

3)  Fearful Progression:  Michael J. Fox, another award-winning celebrity,  has shown us his journey with Parkinson’s disease.  The stage is currently “late mild”, an extraordinarily slow progression 28 years with the disease.  He attributes CBD oil’s role in his plan of attack.  CBD oil helps with the brain’s dopamine production.  Dopamine regulates the body’s muscles and joints, thereby improving mobility.

4)  A Child’s Hope:  Remember reading the childrens’ book, Charlotte’s Web?  Today, that’s the name for the strain of CBD oil, which saved little 6-year-old Charlotte Figi’s life.  It  calmed her Dravel syndrome seizures, which were over 300 per week. She couldn’t talk, move or eat on her own.  With CBD oil, Charlotte’s seizures were less than one per week.  Charlotte’s Web is frequently used for children and adults with drug-resistant epilepsy.  A National Institutes of Health study on Epilepsy & Behavior showed 84% of the children had a significant reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures.

5)  Basking in Beauty:  Been to your Spa lately?  Chances are CBD is one of the ingredients in the skin products.  It contains antioxidants extolled by dermatologists for it’s hydrating properties.  It’s right up there with our “superfoods” in keeping our cells healthy and vibrant.  Even CVS and Walgreens Pharmacies are jumping on board with similar, lower-priced products.  They’ll soon carry whole lines of CBD products, including oils, soaps, lotions, anti-aging creams,  pain-relief ointments, and more.  The only thing “high” here is the “high” profits on the product sales. Note the lower pricing means less CBD.

6)  Furry Family:  Is your Precious Pooch on prescription drugs?  CBD oil decreases the activity of your dog’s liver enzymes, used to metabolize the drugs.  That’s healthy news for your Pooch’s liver.  CBD tincture, not CBD treats, is best.  You can adjust the dose drop by drop for the most benefit.

Ready to try CBD?  Here are some tips:

1)  Buy organic.  Real is the deal for CBD.  Otherwise, you’ll be ingesting  pesticides or other chemicals.

2)  No-go cheap, Dude.  The higher the quality and purity, the higher the price.

3)   Get the data.  The manufacturer should provide a certificate of analysis for its CBD product.    Be sure there is no THC, especially if it’s for your dog or cat.

Now, if you or your loved ones are facing life-threatening disease, pain, anxiety, depression and it’s affecting you,  please put own the CBD bottle and make an appointment with an experienced mental health provider.  Your feelings need a place to go.  Another point of view and perhaps a stragegy or two can reduce your stress.  Reach out if I can help!

Meanwhile, here’s to your healing health!